Saturday, 24 November 2007

The (all too brief) life and death of a Wubba toy

It took me approximately 15 minutes and 41 seconds to destroy my wubba toy. Our time together was short and sweet.
It was good while it lasted but like all good things it came to an end. Farewell my wubbery friend. Missing you already!


Katherine and Pippa said...

Our mistresses are both daft aren't they? First they remember Pippaluk and now they are reading the same endless book.

Mistress has been reading it for years. She thought it was a good buy because it would take her a long time to finish it. Hah!

Every time she picks it up she has to reread a couple of chapters to remember what happened. (not much really)

No wonder she hasn't finished it.


Snowball said...

Oh Jackson, I am sorry for your lost. I am sure the good time you had spent together will always be remembered...

Dun be too sad...there are always other toys to play with...:p


jaffeboy said...

OMDog, Jax. How did you manage to do that in 15mins & 41secs?! You are one powerful chewer!!!

Glad you had a good time with wubba even though it was short.

Hope you are feeling all better now.

COL. Sam ASTA-fari Joe H. Pinkerton Peabody, Esq said...

Alas poor Wubba, you knew him well.

Gus said...

Hey, you are almost as fast as Teka. But you are still in recovery, so I think that means you are better than she is! Wires Rule

Luna "The Scruffy Yacht Dog" said...


That has to be a record. Sometimes when I get a new toy the same thing happens, don't know what it is??? When the carnage is all over there's just shreds & fragments left.

Good job!


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Wubba has gone! Woe is me!

But it was fun while it lasted! Just remember the good minutes you spent together......;0)

love and licks, Marv xxxxx

Mojo, Digger and family said...

A speedy despatch by the awesome Jaws of Jackson, followed by a truly disconsolate look.

heh heh

Harry said...

Woah Jackson, I guess you got some of your strength back!

Toodle pip,
Harry x

Faya said...

Great job Jackson ! My mom call me destructor.... that was before she read the story of your wubba...
Kisses, Faya

Duke said...

The same thing happened here but you're left with a delightful squeaky blue ball! Did you kill that too?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Agatha and Archie said...

Whoa,you are the man!!! Could this be a world record??(Archie is going to look it up on the Guiness Book of world records the dog version....)We congratulate you!! Love A+A

Lorenza said...

Hi, Jackson
That is a record! 15 minutes?? Sure you are fast!
I hope you get a new one soon!
Have a great weekend

Stanley said...


You are formiddable, buddy. The Wubba served you well while it could.

Goober love,

Amber-Mae said...

Give it to Faith & she could probably murder it within minutes too...You did a pawsome job Jacks!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

The Black and Tans. said...

Wow Jackson that is truly impressive. We still have our birthday wubbas and we play tug with them.

You certainly killed yours very quickly!

Molly and Taffy

Headgirl said...

LOL - What a boy!
Hope you had a good walk today with Molly & Queen of Treats! Thought of you all as I did my solitary walk...

Love, pats & pets

Asta said...

Fiwst let me congwatulate you on youw title of bestest wubba destwuctow! that is a pawsome achievement, and i hope you had a tewwific time doing it!
Second...I think you look as handsome as evew! You said i wouldn's like the way you look . WOOOOONG!
you awe the Best!!
smoochie kisses

the many Bs said...

poor Jackson, they just don't make toys the way they used to. those darn toys should last at least 15 minutes. maybe it's deflective. maybe you should protest. maybe if you beg and plead you can get a new one to destroy.


Ben & Darling said...

Oh poor wubba....but there what the wubba meant for hah??? To destroy it!!!! Hehehhee

By the way Jackson, the space pawty is on 30 NOV, this fri. Not 31/12/07. It typo error...sorry.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Woh. You sure love your wobba toy to bits. I hope you'll get a new one soon. ;)

~ Girl girl

Joe Stains said...

Fantastic work my friend, you make me very proud!

Urban Smoothie Read said...

wow...i gotta salute to u...i never manage to damage my wubba toy...

Karen Jo said...

You did a really fast job on your Wubba toy, Jackson. Is it that they don't make toys as well as they used to, or are you just very good at destroying them?

Putter said...

Wow Jackson!

I have not even accomplished this with a a WUBBA toy! Goodest ever work! :)

Your Friend,

Putter ...:)

Unknown said...

The Wubba was no match :)


Asta said...

Hi Jackson
Glad you liked my list! I guess we awe lefties..Daddi is both wight nd left and my hooman sissy is left so it must be gweat! to be a lefty hehe.
did you get a new wubba to kill yet??
smoochie kisses

Noah the Airedale said...

Crikey Jackson, good job matie. Our wubba lives on.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

Rev said...

Hey Jackson,

May I have your address? I want to send you a postcard in Dec.when I 'm travelling in Italy and Greece. (Actually, was Blue requested me first) If you are willing to give me, pls send to my e-mail:
Beg J1 & J2 buy you a new toy!


Nat said...

Pappy's proud of you.

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

G'day Jax,

Thanks for the bootiful bawkday cawd! I've put it up on my blog. I'm glad you're feeling well enough to destwoy things.

xxx Asta down under

Kirby said...

Hi Jackson,

Welcome to the Wubba destroyers club. We are a select few with jaws of steel that can tear apart a Wubba. I salute you my pal. Keep up the great chewing!

Your pal,

Sophie Brador said...

Jackson, I think it is fabulous the way your wubba colour-coordinates with the cushions behind you. You are such a fashionable wubba destroyer.


Lenny said...

Nice job on that Wubba, Jackson! How are you feeling lately?

Your friend, Lenny

Simba said...

DANG!!!! I can't believe it!! I've had my Wubba for months!! You bring new meaning to Power Chewer!!


Eddie N Peaches said...

Wow, Jackson. Super-jaw man! Wow. And may we say, WOW!

You inspired us to put a poll on our blog. Check it out!
Whoofs & Baroos,
Eddie, Peaches & Bella

Asta said...

Deawest Jackson!
I would love fow you to come howl along!

ackshually, I' think I might have a chwissmuss pawty, ow a StNicholas day pawty,if I do , I suwe hope you'll come,and help me sing the cawols..hope you'we feeling well my Sweet Jax
love you
smoochie kisses

Simba and Jazzi said...

Wow that must be some sort of record. Its like a £1 a minute.

Simba xx

sharkgila said...

Wooo wooo wooo! 15 mins! I like you already! I is a destroyer too - isn't it so fun!


Koobuss said...

Wow!! Very impressive, Jackson. Great job on the toy
Is 15 minutes and 41 seconds a new record? You can be proud of yourself for such an accomplishment. You are a true wft.

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Myeo said...

How did you managed to do that in such a short time?

Boy n Baby

Hammer said...

Hi Jackson
None of my toys last long either. I'm very ruff with them.
Love from Hammer

Asta said...

I'm delighted that you awe coming to my pawty, Mikulas is a vewy nice guy, he ususally oooks a lot mowe fwiendly ,don't wowwy!
I'm saving the stuffy destwuction fow jus the wigh moment, then wtch out!,hehe (hope you'we feeling bettew!)
smoochie kisses

L said...

Hi Jackson,

That's some mighty strong destructive power you have! Job well done!
Comet and BLU

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Jackson my pip of a pal! I am sending you a package...wrapped in pretty light blue Tyvex (so you will have something to try to tare up!!) secured with bright pink duct tape!! Sure to catch your eye and that of your mail carrier!
I love bright colors and today I am wearing a stunning gown designed by Vera Wangcat because I am going to a Gala Affair!
Stay warm and well and remember I love ya lots you big lovable mush.
Miss Peach

Asta said...

Thank you fow helping with ouw cause!!
He shouldn't even be allowed a stuffie!

I got youw gowgeous cawd today!! Thank you so vewy much!
smoochie kisses

Juno said...

Jackson!! 15 min & 41 sec?? That's a great record!!!

Momo xoxo

Balboa said...

isn't it fun destroying toys!!!!! I just love it

Frenchie Snorts

Randi said...

Hi Jackson..long live the short..but time spent was so sweet!

I"m gonna link you to my bloggy cuz I love checking up & seeing what you are doing..

Please keeping getting better!

Love & Licks,

COL. Sam ASTA-fari Joe H. Pinkerton Peabody, Esq said...

Jx, received your xmas card today. We loved it, especially me, since there was a wft on it. :)