Tuesday, 12 August 2008

More Paw Power

Hey pals, Barksdale and Stringer here. Are you ready for some good news? Yes, that's right, Jackson's surgery went well; the surgeon removed the tumour and the back lobe of his left lung. We're not out of the woods yet as he's still in intensive care and the next few hours are critical. But we're sooooooooo relieved that the surgery is over that we are doing a jig here, as our pal Axel would say...

We know how hard you have all been working on sending us positive thoughts. Please don't stop now as we won't be happy until he's back here where he belongs being his usual grumpy self. All being well he'll be allowed home on Friday which is also his birthday!

All power to the paw!


Kyanite said...

Wonderful positive news...
Will keep wishing for his full recovery.

Love, pats & pets
A partly relieved Blue

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Great news!!
We will keep sending good thoughts, especially for him to be home for his Birthday!!

~ The Bunch

Daniella said...

Doing a jig indeed! Jigging and praying at the same time - if someone walked in on us they may think we were an interesting buddist chanting duo...We have been thinking of you all day Jackson and Jackie...the wait has been horrible..we are so relieved that you got this far and will be pulling like crazy on our walks today to make sure you are home for your bday on Friday.

Axel and Fam

Faya said...

Oh what good news ! But I will keep my paws crossed for another 24 hours ok ? Tell Jackson I love him, will you ?
Sweet swiss kisses, Faya

Nancy at the Farm said...

Hey big guy, just sending you lots of good thoughts and prayers. Our paws have been crossed for you. Glad your surgery is done and we'll be hoping you have an uneventful recovery.

Your pals, Dozer, Dottie and Cooper

Anonymous said...

Yippee Jackson, we will continue to paw cross and jump around in a little terrier fashion. Major smoochies and huggles.

Asta said...

Oh Jackie...THank you fow telling us..I'm so welieved..asta is howling wif happiness..we will keep the pwayews and cwossed all paws going!!!
Can't wait till Jax is home
1get some west
love and smoochie kisses

Abby said...


Great News...Still got our paws & fingers crossed & still sending lots of prayers your way...

Abby & her Mom xxxooo

The Black and Tans. said...

Oh that is brilliant. Keep fighting brave Jackson.
We want to see you home for your birthday.
Love Molly and Taffy

Vicky said...

I've been looking in most of the day, hoping for some good news, this is wonderful, still sending positive vibes for a complete recovery.
I know exactly how you feel, the waiting for their return home is horrendous, but he's over the worst and dogs recovery is remarkably fast.

Chef said...

Oh, it's such good news that the surgery went well. We are so happy for all of you! Coming hom will be a wonderful way to celebrate J's birthday. Love and hugs for all of you.


Eduardo said...

Great news, still praying to get out the woods!!! I'm going to snuggle for Jackson!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Lacy said...

w00f's J's me is sooo happy...me nos we still got to keep the power of the paw going, fur a full recovery...but he maded it through surgery yeaaaaaa!!!!please keep us informed when u can...

b safe,

Kirby said...

I'm so happy the surgery went well. I've got my paws crossed (so tight, I can't walk) and am sending Aire-zen like crazy. Hugs to the little guy when he wakes up. We'll keep on praying 'till all is 100%!

Your pal,

Joe Stains said...

omdog we have been checking back all day hoping for some news and now Mom is afraid she might cry at work!!! omdoooog!! we are sending healing vibes and hope he comes out of intensive care SOON!!!! wahooo!!!

Deetz said...

We will not stop pawing prayers to JAckson until he is home safe....

I wish I could sit with him and let him know we are all here and we care so such. Paw Hugs to his pawents

Jake of Florida said...

Good news, indeed!!! We've all been going nuts all day -- so we can only imagine what it was like for you.

We won't stop sending the positive vibes until you get your grumpy wire back in your arms and he is on the road to full recovery. And maybe we won't stop even then!!!

Love and more love,

Joan and Jake and Just Harry

Georgeous said...

All paws crossed for a barkday return home!! Please sned Jackson our love!!

Duke said...

This is the news we'd been waiting for! We are so happy to hear it! Paws are still crossed for our buddy!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Gus said...

Hooo Boy! We are so glad to know that the surgery went well. We are having "British Weather" today according to muzzer, and it has been a fitting background to our worrywarting and frequent trips to the puter to check for progress!

we will keep the prayer line going in hopes he will be home for his barkday. What a celebration!


Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

Even though we are limited in our internet access, library and stuff.

We are rooting for you Jackson, if we do not comment regularly, it is just that we cannot because our computer is an idiot. And is useless.

But we managed to log on to your blog thanks to the wonderful free library internet service and we are soooooooo happy you are doing well.

Much love and many healing licks.

Marvin x

Agatha and Archie said...

Fabulous news!! PL2 has been bugging us every 2 minutesWhat do you think is happening now?? and she has been going on the puter every 12 seconds.....I am going to let up on the rubber bands for 1 nanosecond on Arch so he can go pee and then right back on againPOWER TO THE PAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love and a million kisses to al 3 of you A+A+PL2

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

Sending more purrs and woofs for Jackson.

Riley, Tiki, & Kesey

Asta Marie said...

Wow knit guys....

That is really great news and hopefully he will display his usual fighting spirit and get home Friday for his birthday.....

Now we can all take a breath as we've been hoding it for hours now.....Wait til I tell Dewey and Toby......Horray!!!!!Give him a stringy kiss from all of us here in the Burgh....

Asta Marie, WFT

Chloé said...

wonderful positive news.... is really great news... you come home for his birthday....

Much kiss


Amber-Mae said...

We're thinking about you pal every minute!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

The Thuglets said...

Jackson..we have all our pawscrossed here for you! Hang in there and be strong...you an do it!

Lots of positive thoughts from us.

Big Nose Pokes
The Thugletsx

Daisy said...

I am so happy to learn the good news! I will still purr and purr for you, Jackson!

Ruby Bleu said...

OMD what a relief! I'll keep the paws crossed and thinking good thoughts. What a grand barkday for Jax to be home and healing! W00t!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Wow...we are SOOOO relieved here that the surgery went well!!! We aren't stoppin' now...we'll continue barkin', pullin' and prayin' for Jax and have our paws crossed he's home for his barkday!!!

Hope you knitties are keepin' the Wheelies and those nurse's in line!

Happy Barks!!!!

Scruffy et al!!!!!!!!!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Good news! We'll be looking for even better news as the week progresses. Get well, Jackson!

Deetz said...

You just get better, Jackson. Thats all I care about. Even though my girlfriend next door smells really good right now and I can't leave her pen, I think about you and how you are feeling.
I will check on you tomorrow.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Hi Jackson,

We heard about woo from Asta and are so glad things went pretty well today. Here's hoping for some very good days to come.

Please stop by and visit our blog sometime too.

Wags, The OP Pack

Eric said...

Hey Knitties, Pawtastic news!! Wigging my wag in happiness and dancing a jig n barking and pulling for Jackson safe return home on Birthday Friday.
Big paw hugs to all the J's.

Eric x

the many Bs said...

yay! power to the paws! we are sending all of our poodle power, the power of the Bs, and pawsitive thoughts and barks for our buddy. get well and have a happy barkday celebration.


River said...

We're doing a snoopy dance! I'm so glad to hear he came through the surgery!

love & wags,

Peanut said...

Our paws are still crossed that everything still stays well.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Yayyy!!! Good news Jackson that your surgery went well. Now we will keep purring furr you to get back home very soon.

Noah the Airedale said...

Hey Js, that's brilliant news. We know it's early stages but this is the first hurdle and Jackson's made it through....fantastic!!!!!
We continue sending aire-zen and positive thoughts for our little matie.

Noah Willow Tess Lucy

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

We are so happy to hear that Jacksons surgery went well. We will continue purrs for his full recovery!

Junior and Orion

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Grrrreat news. We's still purring for our buddy.
Purrs and Purrayers,
KC & Missy Blue Eyes

Lola Smiles said...

yeah, baby!! we'll keep sending the positive vibes!

Charlie Daniels said...

Great news ... I'll keep sending my special Red Heelering Energy until you tell me to stop!



Two Schnauzers from New England said...

This is wonderful news. We will still keep our paws crossed for a speedy recovery. The best birthday present for Jackson is to come home.

Love -

Hershey and Kaci

Unknown said...


Mommy had to work away from home today and couldn't check the blogs, but Eric's Square Mom emailed us the terrific news. The hard part is over, now for a swift and complete recovery. Many blessings to the kind and wise doctors who performed the surgery so well today and to everyone who is tenderly taking care of our Jax.

Now...to start baking the Bacon and Liver Birthday Cake for his big celebration this Friday!!!

Warmest wishes to the Js and Jackson from Petey, Mica and Mommy

Shmoo said...

I'm invoking the power of healing husky fluff that Jackson recover from his surgery and continues to be bewoootiful.

Meeshka and the gimpy gang

Lorenza said...

Hi, friends!
Thanks for the update!
We are praying, barking loud and pulling for Jackson!
I will have my paws crossed until he comes back home!
Take care

Katherine and Pippa said...

Good one heh.

I made mistress get up in the middle of the night to check out your blog as she got distracted earlier.

Bad mistress.

Paw crossings will be continued from a hot sleepy Pippa.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh what wonderful news for all of you and us too! We will keep vigil until Friday!
Love and purrrrrs Miss Peach

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! This sounds positive. We are keeping our paws crossed!
Hugs, Meows, and Puppy Woos,
Sitka, Tia, and Cornelia Marie

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Paws khrossed -

Tail up -

Sibe Vibes headin' khross the pond!


Stanley said...

Way to GO family de Jackson!

I'm STINKIN' EXCITED that surgery is over and Jax is in recovery. I'll keep sending extra strength AireZen and loads of my healing goober smooches. (They are extra juicy with extra healing properties!)

Goober love,

Parker said...

We are sending positive purrs to you Jackson!

Ben & Darling said...

HOooray!!!! Glad to hear that, I hope everything goes well. We will still thinking of Jackson, paw crossed to him.

slurpy licks,

Roan said...

Great news. Keep it up Jackson!

Willow the Black Dale said...

We at our compound are so happy to hear you are out of surgery! Please keep us posted and we will keep our prayers going your way. Lots of Aire-zen your way.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Purrfect news, we will continue to purr for Jackson's speedy recovery and will come by Friday to wish him a Happy Birthday.~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

Sophie Brador said...

Wooooooooooooooot! I'm so thrilled. I hope he's still doing well. Have been thinking about him all day long. We're even talking about baking a cake for his birthday.


Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

That is great news! We'll be barking and thinking of him too during his recovery!


Willie and Waylon said...

Great news.. our positive Boston Terrier vibes are on the way...

i said...

So relieved to hear that! Keeping paws crossed and prayers to Jackson to get well soon!

Huskee and Hershey said...

Please keep the good news coming!! (My paws will remain crossed until Jackson is home and well!)..

* A big (but gentle) hug for Jackson *

T-man Angel said...

Pure healing thoughts are with you, Jackson!! I bet the doctor zapped that thing good, and it won't bother you anymore.

The Cat Realm said...

Lots of purrs from us Jackson for a speedy recovery!!!

Bogart H. Devil said...

We've still got the Aire Zen cranked up to 11 for Jackson - thinking of you buddy, sending lots of love for a fully and speedy recovery (and so happy to hear some good news!!!)

Bogart & Lulu

Emily and Ike said...

Hi, I just read about you on Tanner and Joe's blog and wanted to stop by and share some pawsitive vibes!

Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

Willow and I are crossing our paws for Jackson to get home for his birthday on Friday!

Purrrrrrrs, China Cat

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

WE're purring for Jackson and have been even tho we couldn't stop by til now. We are glad to hear his surgery went well. We will keep purring for him til he's all better.
the Hotties

Tenkiller Airedales said...

Lordy, we've been checking in on your blog all day for an update!!! So glad that you're doing well Jackson. We know you aren't out of the woods yet, but soon my friend, soon!!! See!!!! I told you my mommy knows how to pray.

Keeping our paws crossed and sending MORE Aire-Zen,
Apache and her tribe

Anonymous said...

That's great news!
Our best wishes are with Jackson and with the family.

I'll be praying for his quick recovery.

Licks n Wags,


Girl Girl Hamster said...

That's good nice. I'll be keeping my paws crossed for Jackson to be home for his birthday

~ Girl girl

Hammer said...

Hi J's, Barksdale and Stringer
We're very happy and relieved that Jackson's surgery went will. We'll keep praying and staying positive that Jackson will be home with you on Friday to celebrate his barkday. What a barkday this will be for all of you !!
Lots of Love from Hammer and Susan and family

Karen Jo said...

Power to the Paw! This is great news. I am so happy that the surgery went well and Jackson will be home for his birthday. I will keep sending him good vibes for a speedy recovery.

Cassidy said...

We are so, so relieved to hear this news. We will keep praying that Jackson now makes a great recovery and is back home as soon as possible.

Katy x

Anonymous said...

I'm very glad the surgery went well and I am sending purrs to help Jackson make a good recovery so he can come home and be grumpy :D

The Airechicks said...

Hey J's:

Thank you for updating....

SOOOOO HAPPY that this part is over...Now to get him home and in rehab....

When you go to visit him please tell him "WE LOVE YOU!!"

Take care and feel better.....


Patience-please said...

We are sending ALL of our concentrated Miracle Whippet healing energy to help Jackson get better. And we are sending comforting thoughts for all of y'all (as we say in the South).

encouraging wags from the whippets

Kapp pack said...

Sibe vibes for Jackson to have a speedy recovery!

Kisses, Sky boy

Bonnie said...

Great news from your family, Jackson! Keeley and Erin and I are pulling for your complete recovery. You are so totally pawsome! What a great birthday it will be if you make it home on Friday.

Keeley's Grandma

Texas said...

Me and mommy are so glad that the surgery seems to have went well, and that it seems to only be one tumor. Paws crossed for a speedy recovery and a happy barkday!!

Summit the Super Mal said...

Woo there Jackson~
Glad to hear your surgery went well. I'm sending woos for your continued recovery and that you will back to your feisty terrier self soon.
Your pal,

Simba and Jazzi said...

I hope Jackson is feeling better. I am sending him positive vibes and nose licks. I hope they help.

Simba x

Fenway said...

Fenway still has his paws together praying for J. Check out his blog from yesterday...it's dedicated to Jackson.

Deetz said...

I am just checking on you Jackson to see how you are feeling this morning. I hope you had a good breakfast and gots lots of snuggles

The 3 G-Dales said...

Jackson - we are new to your bloggie but we heard about your surgeries across the pond....Our Jack-Jack just had surgeries and he did ok...we are sending AIREPRAYERS to you for the same pawsitive outcome! We are also sending AIREZEN and wots of AIRELOVE too.

Get well soon palie!

Love the G-Dales

Amber-Mae said...

That's great news! I've been praying that his surgery will go well & it did! Now, he just needs to heal up & hopefully there'll be NO more tumors!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Princess Patches said...

Our mom was soooooo worried and she's really happy to hear that the surgery went well. We will continue to keep all our paws crossed and we sure hope you get to come home for your barkday! Mom will be home tomorrow so she can catch up on all the news. Power to the paw!

Poppy, Penny & Patches' Mom

Mr. Hendrix said...

whoo hoo! we are so very happy about this. we couldn't stop yesterday, but sent many purrs your way.

we will continue purring and praying for a quick recovery. what a wonderful birthday present, to come home!