Sunday 15 July 2007

I'm back!

Did you miss me? I've been off blog because J1 & J2 went off to Cornwall (in the South West of the UK) for a few days. I stayed at home and J1's mum came to look after me. This was good
news for me because I got to sleep on the guest bed with her and she gave me way more treats! She spoils me, and that's just the way I like it. I didn't take advantage too much; I only managed to destroy one plant pot and my walking harness.
It's going to take me a few days to catch up on all my favourite blogs, but don't worry, I'll be visting you all soon...


Agatha and Archie said...

Hooray!! We missed you! Maybe they will let you have the guest bed for good!( for day naps...)Glad you are back!!! Archie+Agatha

Jake of Florida said...

Welcome back good pup. We missed you and can't wait to hear more Jackson stories.

Jake and Just Harry

FleasGang said...

Welcome back Jackson!! We missed you :-)

The FleasGang

Gus said...

whew. Me and muzzer were getting worried about you, and are glad to see you back. Teka ate a harness and a lead over the weekend, so you two have something in common! Want a sister?

Oscar's mummy and daddy said...

Well hellooooooooooo Jackson! So glad you're back blogging. Sounds like you were a pretty good boy for J1's mum. I've never tried a pot plant. Outdoor shrubs are more my speciality!

Oscar x

PreciOus said...

You are back! You are back! Oh my, I'm so excited I'm gonna pee! Missed you so very much. *Muacks*


Joe Stains said...

We sure missed you Jackson! Welcome back!

fee said...

welcome back, jackson! you must be very well rested and well fed now. :) did J1&2 bring you any presents?

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

That doesn't look like your back, it looks like your front!

Oooh - Mommy's calling me a corn dog.


Bussie Kissies

Duke said...

yeaaaaaaaaaaaa Jackson! Glad to see you're back!

Love ya lots,

Asta said...

Jackson'you got back just in time, I was about to go into a deep depwession without my twue love's soo good to see you.
I eat the leaves fwom my potted twee..Mommi gets mad...but it sounds like you had a pwetty good time withJ1's Mum..sleeping on the bed is such a nice luxuwious feeling...I bet cornwall was awfully nice for J1 and J2
smoochie kisses(do you need any mowe nuwsing???)
your Asta

Juno said...

Welcome back to blogger world, Jackson!! :) You know we all missed you, right? It's nice to see your cute pictute again. Did J1 & J2 have a good time in Cornwall?
My dad has visited there and enjoyed to try something famous (food!). I can't remember its name now..

Momo xoxo

Chelsea said...

only one plant huh? That's pretty good, most doggies would have taken a lot more casualties...hee hee



Lorenza said...

Hi, Jackson.
I am so happy that you are back!
Please let us know about those days you were not blogging! I am sure you were a good boy!
Have a good night

Bogart H. Devil said...

Yesssssssss - we missed you Jackson!

Hope you're feeling good!!!


Eddie N Peaches said...

Welcome back, Jackson. Its great to be spoiled sometimes. And, only one plant pot and a walking harness. Not bad. :->
Whoofs & Baroos,
Eddie & Peaches

Simba and Jazzi said...

only one pot plant, they need to go for longer next time.

Simba xx

Ferndoggle said...

Welcome back Jax! Not to shabby in the destruction department. Although, I don't think the walking harness was the right choice. Toenail clippers would have been good. Or my Furminator.


Amber-Mae said...

Oh yay! You're back!!! I hope your hoomans took pics during the Beard & Mustache competition thingy.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Toto said...

Boy I wish I was you because I like sleeping on beds! Wags and Licks, Toto

Nat said...

If the folks took some photos, would love to see them. I love Cornwall and the western coast trail.