Tuesday 4 September 2007

Bravest Pet in Sussex Awards

Some of you may know that I reached the final of the Bravest Pet in Sussex Award along with 9 other cats and dogs. The Award presentation took place on Sunday and the winner was a very deserving dog called Sapphie. She had been badly injured in a road accident but is back on her paws again now. I was honoured to be one of the 10 finalists and would like to thank everydog that voted for me. Thanks pals!

All the finalists got loads of lovely loot, including biscuits, treats, a stripey collar and lead, portable water bottle and a cat toy which I instantly destroyed (don't tell Miss Peach!). J1 & J2 got a bottle of champagne!

You can read more about Sapphie and the Award here.

The ceremony took place at a posh country club and there was a display of lots of exotic animals including Solomon the Giant Tortoise:

A lovely skunk that had been de-smelled (ignore the lady in the background, I don't know why she was mugging in MY photos!)

Look at his huge claws!

There was also a ginormous snake that slithered over lots of children, but it didn't eat any of them, mores the pity!

And a giant toad!
It was a lovely day out, and I think that on the day the best dog won. Congratulations Sapphie, I hope you continue on your road to recovery.


Headgirl said...

Very gracious in defeat, thats you!
Hope J1 & J2 enjoy the champers.

Just out of interest, where was the photo of you & that long reptile???

Pats &pets

Dandy Duke said...

Congratulations to Sapphie! It's nice that you all got gifts!
Jackson, that snack is really yucky!

Love ya lots,

Joe Stains said...

ahh that toad is scary, but that skunk sure is handsome. in fact he kind of looks like a boston terrier!

Congrats on your achievement and enjoy all that loot!

Urban Smoothie Read said...

congratulation 2 for being in d finals....it must b tough competition

Gus said...

Hey J!
We hope you enjoy your loot! Sorry you didn't win, but you certainly are taking it better than I would. Did you get your picture taken with the winner? Thatwould be a nice memory, huh?

You are still the winner in my book!

kissies from Gussie

Simba said...

WOW! Pretty exciting stuff!! That snake sure looked scary! Were you afraid it might eat you???


Stanley said...

Jackson, bud!

Congratulations on being in the top 10. You've got know, though, that you're number 1 in my book!

Love ya, man!

Your Goober bud,

Amber-Mae said...

Oh, CONGRATS to you Jackson!!!!! That giant toad is oooogly & that albino python is scawie. I better keep my distance from that snake coz it can swallow my whole. Uuugh!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Daniella said...

Well done Jackson! Saphi does look most deserving. That snake gave me the creeps!!!! YUCKY!!!

Myeo said...

We like the skunk best.

Boy n Baby

Jake of Florida said...

Hi Jackson,

What a good sport you are!! It's true, all the finalists were very brave, but in our book, you are always a winner!!

That bed looks very comfy. Did J1 and J2 let you taste the champagne?


Jake and Just Harry

Koobuss said...

Hi Jackson,

Congratulations to you on finishing in the top ten!
And congratulations to Sapphie on winning top prize. All the candidates were remarkable, with such amazing stories. What wonderful animals!

Looks like you and your family got some great prizes. Enjoy. You sure deserve them.

Way to go, Jackson!!!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,

Marvin -The Hollow Hound said...

oh Jackson that is such a generous and kind comment and ok Saphhie won but we voted for you cos you are the best in our eyes.

thank you so much for your kind comments on my blog

Jeannie feels so bad she cannot keep up with all the blogs.......your comments really helped her feel better.

love to you and all your family my brave friend.

take care, love and licks Marvin

love and light Jeannie xxxx

Ruby Bleu said...

Wow...look at all those animals...how very cool. That skunky is very cute and thank dogginess he was de-stinkied!!!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Anonymous said...

Hey Jackson:
Sorry you didn't win but being close is just as good! To bad there weren't any cats? My mommy thought a skunk was a cat once so I guess thats close enough! I just hate snakes! You did ok...for a dog that is...congrats again!
Best Meows...Suki

Lorenza said...

Hi, Jackson.
Sure its great being in the top ten!
You are really a gentleman!!!
Many of those animals look really scary!!!
Have a good night

Agatha and Archie said...

Well, We are happy for the winner, but of course you must know you are, will be ,always have been, number one in our book.Agatha is hyperventilating at the skunk picture and I am holding her down(she did catch one once you know!!) She wants to know if everyone smelled as bad as she did when petting the skunk....Love A+A

Asta said...

Well, needless to say, I wanted YOU to win Jackson, but I guess Sapphie desewves it too..all the doggies wewe vewy bwave..but you'we still the bwavest to me and the best!
enjoy your loot, and I hope J1&J2 have a good time toasting you
(icky snake and toad..but I like the little skunk and the giant tortoise)
smoochie kisses

Asta said...

You can come live hew anytime you want! I'm good at shawing. Mommi thanks you fow the congwatulations..she fells lucky to have done so well.
I hope youw nice weather sticks awound..I can't imagine being disciplined not to wun if I have a chance..you're my hewo!!
smoochie kisses

Rev said...


Though you were not the winner but you did try your best, right? It 's a good result for being in the top 10. Congrats! You really deserve for any award! I'm always standing by your side!


Snowball said...

Thats the biggest toad I have ever seen and the snake looks really cool too. Did you bark at them?


Lenny said...

Cheers to you, Jackson! (Is that how you say it over there in the UK?) We're all proud of you!

Your friend, Lenny

Juno said...

Hello Jackson!! You know we are ALL very proud of you!! :)

Have a great weekend!
Momo xoxo

Balboa said...

skunks are real cuties when there not stinky.

Congratulations on the nomination, Sapphie is definately one brave girl.

Frenchie Snorts

the many Bs said...

Hey Jackson! It sounds like you got to see some interesting creatures, and a few really brave doggys too. You are very brave to be in the top 10.

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Jackson, all ten of your stories are just pawsome!! Your are all very special dogs. Just to be at the ceremony forced you to be brave...snakes...skunks...and that GIANT TOAD. We're a little toad sensitive in this house. Congratulations on your spot in the finals!!!
Scruffy and Lacie

Quinvale AstaLaVista Baby said...

G'day Jackson,

You'll always be number one in my heawrt.

xxx Asta down under

Vicky said...

Congratulations for getting into the final, you are very brave in my eyes, and so is Sapphie, she has gone through so much

Ferndoggle said...

Jackson, that is so cool that you were nominated. And you are such a good guy to be happy for Sapphie.

I think you made out pretty well regardless!!


Bogart H. Devil said...

Wow, COOL photos Jackson...

Sorry you didn't win - you had my vote!


MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

HOLY MOLY JXN! It is gr8 to be in the top 10! conCATulations on this honor my pip of a pal!
HEH I found a birdie in my birdbath and he told some lame story about you destroying a cat toy??!?!? WAZZUP with that? Guess its OK, I don't ever play with toys anywayz...I am just a boring old daft kitty.
Man those critters are sure different!
You are lokking especially handsome in your photo...very content and totally in control where you belong:)
Love Miss Peach

fee said...

what an honour to be a finalist at the bravest pet competition! i'm so proud of you!!!

and i'm finally looking at the pix of a skunk for the first time! they're quite cute, aren't they? can they really be de-smelled? our pal, ozzy, got sprayed by one once, and i think he had like six baths including one in tomato juice to get rid of the smell.

Katherine and Pippa said...

I tried to write this last night but I don't think it worked.

Sorry you didn't win (we did vote) but you did so well getting into the finals.

I have a silly name because mistress named me after a baby polar bear, called Pippaluk. So I get Pippa for short. Anyway, I'm cross with mistress at the moment so I don't feel like writing any more about her.

Hope you are keeping well.


FleasGang said...

Sorry you didn't win but being a finalist is pretty darn impressive in it's own right. And Sapphie looks to be a deserving winner.

Oh, that toad is creepin' us out!

The FleasGang