Thursday 6 December 2007

St Nicholas Day

Today, 6th December, is St Nicholas Day and my pal Asta is organising a party to celebrate. I'm flying AireRuby to NYC as usual and I think Dunstan the dog on wheels toy is going to accompany me. I'll be meeting lots of my Dogs with Blogs pals and there'll be plenty of eatables and drinkables and merriment in general. I think I'm going to take my violin along too. Any requests? You howl it, and I'll play it!


Ruby Bleu said...

See you soon...I'm on my way!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

Jake of Florida said...


Our granddad, who is 96, plays the violin and he knows lots of Chanukah songs as well as other melodies. We'll ask him if he wants to play a duet with you so we can all howl together.

Looking forward to seeing you at the party!!!

Jake and Just Harry

And thank you for the adorable card. We loved it. Ours should be arriving soon -- Mom was slow.

Asta said...

You awe a fwiend with sooo many talents, I'm stawting to hum to myself aweady...this will be a special tweat!!
How wasyouw Victowian Tea?? Did you pwefew the tea samiches ow the sweets???I aways like something non-sweet to end with(like cheese)
Have a safe flight! I can't wait to see you
smoochie kisses

Katherine and Pippa said...

Mistress says if you can get a pal, to do something like Fascinating Rhythm like yehudi menuhin and stephane grapelli used to do.

Means nothing to me I have to say. Have a good time, I'm still not allowed out to go to pawties.


The Black and Tans. said...


You are so talented. We are ready to accompany you with a good howl this evening but cannot guarantee we will be in tune! Does that matter?

Molly and Taffy

Amber-Mae said...

I'm definitely excited about Asta's pawty!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Duke said...

Hey Jackson,
You and Mitch can maybe do a duet! He's bringing his violin too!
We got your fabulous Christmas card in the mail today! We love it and we love your picture in it too! Thank you so much!
See you at Asta's pawty very soon!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Snowball said...

wow... we have Asta to play the piano and you to play the violin at the St Nicholas Day Pawty. Its going to be so much fun. I can't wait for the pawty to start.


Balboa said...

I'm gonna sip my wine and eat my cheesables while I listen to you play your violin. What a treat this will be.

Frenchie SNorts

Agatha and Archie said...

Oh Jax,You are such a bon vivant.We can't WAIT to hear you play!!!!! See you under the mistletoe Love A+A

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hey Jax...ur bringin' my Dunny???? I am scheduling 10 minutes with him under the mistletoe...for sure!!!!!

Can't wait to hear u play ur something enchanting....hmmm...I'll whisper it to ya at the pawty!!!

Merry Barks, Lacie

PS Bring cash for Seymour...or plastic!

Joe Stains said...

I hope you play something that makes me warm because I am NOT used to cold weather!

Gus said...

OK, can you quickly learn the tune for Blue's favorite carol. Then we can all sing it and make her a CD


Lorenza said...

Hi, Jackson
You are so talented! Sure we will have lots of fun at the party!
See you soon

Noah the Airedale said...

We'll see you on aire-ruby Jackson. I'll have my didgeridoo so we can play together. Wonder what that'll sound like.....eeeeep.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah, Willow, Tess and Lucy

sharkgila said...

Have a great pawty!


Simba and Jazzi said...

Another string to your bow lol.

Simba xx

Randi said...

Hi Jackson!

Thanks so much for the pawsome card! I love it!

You look so spiffy playing the violin!

Love & Licks,

Katie said...

Your violin playing was superb at Asta's Pawty. Too bad Sam had to sing along. the brat.

Stanley said...


This is a little late, but I wanted you to know that I think you're a virtuoso! I love how you play the violin! You make it sing!

Goober love,