Tuesday 11 March 2008

Grrrrr, computers!

Listen pals, we're having superdoopercomputerblooper problems at the moment. Our computer was taken away for fixing a couple of weeks ago, but now it's even worse than ever. I think it may be put out to retirement. Anyway, that's why it's been very quiet on the Jackson front recently.

I won't really be able to blog again until all the evil viruses are gone and the computer boffins aren't sure when that will be. I don't know what you're all going to do without your Jackson fix!

Missing you already!
UPDATED 23rd MARCH: Computer should be fixed by next weekend. Hurrah!


The Black and Tans. said...

Oh heck Jackson!

Hope you get the computer fixed real soon. We await your return to Blogland.

Molly and Taffy

Gus said...

Ohhhh Nooooo! That is what mahjong will do. We hope you get your puter fixed soon. Otherwise, could you dictate to Blue so we know you are OK?


Asta said...

My pooter is being bad too..it keeps swallowing my peemails in a black hole..GWWWWWWWWWW!
I will pwobably come down with Jackson-withdwawel anemia..I don't know if thewe is a coowe?
smoochie kisses,Asta

Kyanite said...

OK, ready for dictation as suggested by Gus... but slowly -pretty please!

Do miss you.
Happy to help if can - will willingly pass on messages etc.

Love, pats & pets

Duke said...

We miss you already, Jackson, but we know all about these puter problems! Hope yours clear up fast!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Simba said...

YIKES!!! I hope you get things worked out soon! We miss you too!!!



Faya said...

Ohhhhh .... how are we supposed to live without news from you ??????
Kisses, Faya

William Tell said...

Don't be surprised if you come back and find about a bizillion messages. We all love hearing about Jackson!

William Tell

Sophie Brador said...

On no Jackson. This good mean some nasty withdrawal.


Agatha and Archie said...

OH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo..What are we going to do??????Oh no now Archie has thrown himself on the floor and is crying..oh dear hope this gets fixed soon!!! Love A+A

Lacy said...

woofies jackson, me hopies ur puter gits better soon, me will miss u...

b safe,

Thor and Jack said...

Too bad, Jackson! I hope you get your computer fixed soon!


Simba and Jazzi said...

Virus is bad! Get well soon computer.

Simba x

Cassidy said...

We had computer problems last week so we feel your pain. I will miss you!

Cassidy x

Amber-Mae said...

Oh my, I hope your compooter will get better soon.

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Pippa said...

We had blogger problems - nearly as bad.


Stanley said...

Hey, Jacks!

We here in GooberStan are gearing up to deal with our JWS (Jackson Withdrawal Syndrome). The symptoms are hell, but we'll muddle our way through until you get back online!

Goob love & healing smooches to you AND your pooter,

Urban Smoothie Read said...

jackson, ask ur humans to forget about fixing...get a new one instead...

Lorenza said...

Hi, Jackson!
I hate those nasty virus!
I hope you can fix your computer soon! I am going to miss you!
Kisses and hugs

BrandytheGreat said...

Aww, that's so sad!

Noah the Airedale said...

Nooooooooooooooooooo !!!!!Jackson, we will truly miss you.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah Willow Tess & Lucy

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Isn't that Archie sensitive...wow...

Oh Jackson...are ya gonna get a new pooter??? Mumsie's yammerin' for one...her's is atrocious and takes forever to do anything. Daddy's is fine, but it's usually in use...by him..

We'll be on standby awaitin' ur return to bloggie land....we'll be practicing our zen to overcome our withdrawl syndrome.....


the many Bs said...

hi Jackson, we're sorry about your computer problems. we have computer problems too, but our new computer is on its way to us. we hope mom will be able to make the new one work. maybe you can get a new one too. ours is coming from the faraway land of Dell.


Juno said...

Hello Jackson!!

Sorry to hear that your computer might have to be retired. Our mom's pc was very very sick first week of the new year and it took almost two weeks to be recovered. Hope you'll be back to the Blogger World soon. We miss you!

Is Marvin's mom doing ok? We hope she is OK. We read Marvin's comment on Charlie's blog and it makes us worried.

Momo & Pinot

ChaChi Lu said...

Frustrating! I hope you get that fixed sooon!

Princess Patches said...

Jackson, we will miss you, but we hope you get your 'puter fixed soon!

Poppy & Penny

Lenny said...

Hey Jackson, I am so behind on reading blogs but I am pleased that I did not miss any Jackson news. But update us soon!!! Hope you (and the computer) are doing well!

Your friend, Lenny

Hammer said...

Hi Jackson
I've been missing you !!!
Sorry to hear that you've had big compooter problems and hope the viruses get fixed quick.
Hope you and your family have a safe and happy Easter.
Love from Hammer

Balboa said...

I think a big doggie poop on the computer might fix it.

Frenchie SNorts

Persephone and Buster said...

Jackson, we miss you! It's time to get a Macintosh! Evil viruses just can't seem to figure out its DNA...


Buster & Persephone

Asta Marie said...


Gee, what a bummer havin a sick computer. My Mom crashed her laptop right before Christmas and had to buy a new one and almost crashed this new one too tryin to put old programs into Vista. It doesn't work, I tell ya. They are out to get us all.....makin us buy new stuff all the time...hope yours get fixed soon....cause we wanna hear from ya.....now what do you guys say? Tally Ho !!!!! or is it Toodle Loo ?

Asta Marie, Dewey's Mom

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Hurry Up, Jackson...we need our Jx fix!!!!

Kirby said...

Hi Jackson,

Totally understand with the whole broken computer thing. Ours was dead-dead, so we had to get a new one. It's such a bummer to be off blogging for that long, but I can't wait to have you back! I hope to hear about all your adventures real soon.

Your pal,

Myeo said...

Hope that your computer problem will be solved soon.

Boy n Baby

Asta said...

I miss you tewwibly..I hope you awe awight!! I'm thinking of you with love and smoochie kisses

Deetz said...

We sure miss you. Hope you come back soon