Monday 9 June 2008

International Goodie Exchange

I was delighted to discover that my new pal Eric the WFT was going to be sending me gifts as part of the International Goodie Exchange. My parcel arrived last week and it was ram-jammed full of pawsome stuff, all beautifully packaged.

J1 had to shut me out of the room to photograph it, cos I wanted it all RIGHT THIS MINUTE!

The bonanza box included:

2 x chocolate flavour tennis balls (one has already been eaten, thanks pal, it was yummy!)

Carrot treats (apparently they're suitable for Dogs, Rabbits and Rodents). Sorry, but I'm not sharing with any rodents! Or Rabbits for that matter.

Lamb toy. As Eric said on the label, "a lamb to the slaughter"

Dog pyramid (strangely, I'm more interested in the plastic-y deliciousness of the outside, rather than the treats hidden inside).

My own brand of Fairtrade tea for the Js. Plenty of slurps for me!

Hand made Kitty biscuits. Probably the closest I'll ever get to a kitty, unless I manage to catch one again.

Here's Eric supervising the baking:

There was even a book for J1 to read to me before snoozies, called Tips the Terrier.

Thank you Eric for your bumper box of goodies and thanks also to Mr T-Bone Beasley and Chef for the great idea of the goodie exchange! I'm going to be busy enjoying this shedload of stuff for quite some time!


Harry said...

What a fabby parcel of goodies! So, what kind of shape is that lamb in now?!

Toodle pip
Harry x

Deetz said...

What a great package and a book too? wow, that was nice to see you enjoying your box of goodies

Ferndoggle said...

This goodie exchange is so fun! We haven't opened our box yet but Mom says we can tonight!

You got a great haul, Jax!


Peanut said...

Oh wow what a nice haul you got there.

Dandy Duke said...

What nice gifts Eric sent you, Jackson! This chocolate tennis ball sounds very intriguing!
Let us know how your bedtime story is, okay?

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Gus said...

Great stuff...please show us the "after" pix on the lambie. I love your speedy slaughter!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Jackson!
Eric sent you very nice and yummy presents!
Enjoy them!
Kisses and hugs

Charlie Daniels said...

You could have been digging for a year and not have uncovered all that treasure !



Amber-Mae said...

Oh, Eric sure sent you seom great goodies! The lambi sure will be slaughtered very soon...

Butt shakes,
Solid Gold Dancer

Girl Girl Hamster said...

The little lamb to be slaughter sure looks cute. Eric sure gives pawsome gifts

~ Girl girl

Joe Stains said...

It certainly looks like you got some fabulous goodies, the snacks are the best part, of course!

Snowball said...

You have received some really pawsome goodie for the international goodie exchange. Did the sheep and doggie pyramid still surviving?


Agatha and Archie said...

Well that Eric is quite the shopper.What a PAWSOME package.Let's see...lamb to the slaughter.... 11 nanoseconds? You must let us know as you are an inspiration for all of us stuffie killers now.....Love and kisses A+A

Lenny said...

Wow! You got great stuff from Eric. He is very thoughtful and creative!

Your friend, Lenny

Eric said...

Pal. You deserved it all!! Thank you for your kind words...

Eric- exiting (blushing on his spotty belly)

Unknown said...

Madison got me a lamb like that a little while ago. It's currently all over the living room.

Enjoy your treats.

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

mmmmmmmmmmMMMMMMmmmmmmm....oh, I'm sorry! Was I drooling? My bad! But as soon as I heard chocolate tennis call I couldn't resist...mmmmm. Okay okay. So the lamb, has it died yet? Has it been destuffed? How how the heck did you get your own flavor of tea? I want some of that! Oh man! You are one lucky dog! Heheeheh!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Daniella said...

Don't you and Eric live in the same country?? Why don't you visit each other :-)
Nice package, but what about the international gift of SNAX I sent you from PHilly with my Mom...has J1 been hiding it from you??


Noah the Airedale said...

Wow Jackson those pressies look great.
Hey matie, did you really catch a kitty once? I kinda did too but we don't talk about it....sshhh.

Hugs and tail wags

Kirby said...

Totally great gifts from Eric, Jackson! Has the lamb been slaughtered yet? He he!!! I bet you'll be busy with all those treats and toys for awhile. Maybe it will keep you out of trouble, maybe...

Your pal,

Buster the Wired Fox Terror said...

So Jax, are those cookies made of kitties or just kitty flavored?

Bussie Kissies

Jake of Florida said...

J1 was very smart to shut you out of the room to take photos -- our Mom never got individual pix because we were all over everything and each other.

We square dogs know how to live life to the fullest, don't we!!!

Lots of hot and humid woofs,

Jake and Just Harry

Dewey Dewster said...

Wow Jackson...weren't ya just so excited ya couldn't sleep over the EXCHANGE? This was the most pawsome time fer everyone who participated....yeah, lamb ta the long did it take ya to send it ta Lamb heaven?.... 'n did J1 read ya the book yet....anything like the one Eric has...that's one whopper of a book. Enjoy yer treasures....

Dewey Dewster here.....

Asta said...

It seems to me that you english WFT awe faw mowe civilized than youw cousins hewe..that selection, and wapping and faboolousness of gifts is wifout pwecedent heweabouts...and I can't think of anyone who desewves to get them mowe than you!
smoochie kisses