Thursday 10 July 2008

The New Me

Today I got a new summer hairdo. Do you like it? I think it's a little too severe but the Js prefer me with a short back and sides cos then I'm easier to clean. Hrumph.

On a brighter note, I just got a pawsome new bed. It's made by Cath Kidston and features illustrations of Stanley, her Lakeland Terrier. It's lovely and comfy but it'll be even better when it's covered in crumbs and grass stains. Don't worry, I'm already working on it.


Jake of Florida said...


We think you look very handsome -- but with so much less fur, are you sure you are still a substantial wire fox terrier? Have you been on the scale since the grooming?

We're glad your ear is better -- and you might tell J1 that roasted garlic is very yummy if she doesn't know what to do with the necklace when you are done wearing it!!

Wirey woofs,

Jake and Just Harry


Everythings better with crumbs and stains on it. Desert Pups here just saying woof and meeting the neighborhood cause we're new in town.

Scuba, Keiko, Norman and Toby from Life Inside the Fence

Faya said...

Oh Jackson ! You are sooooooo handsome ! Waouuuuuuuuuuw !
Kisses, Faya

Georgeous said...

Oh Jackson, be sure to get some slobber and drool all over that pink bed.
Lovin ya big fluffy whiskers.

Duke said...

We think you look VERY handsome, Jackson and mom says that you look even more huggable!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Sophie Brador said...

Jax, I wish I could say I understand how you feel, but having never gotten a haircut myself, it would be an empty sentiment. But if it's anything like brushing, I'm with you buddy. Why can't they just leave well enough alone?


P.S. Donut beds are the best!

Eric said...

Jackson. Cool barnet Pal.I'm off to read that old post of yours in a minute.

Guess what!! Mom got me that same bed last weekend too!! Ha, ha!! We are both styling in tandem bro. You look as handsome in yours as I do in mine. You know I don't think it is Stanley on the bed, I think it's you and me... Cath must have seen our bloggies...don'tcha think?

Wags, Eric x x

Luna "The Scruffy Yacht Dog" said...


You look very handsome. The short hair is much nicer for the hot summer months.

Luna Licks

Lenny said...

I think you're looking good, Jax!
The new bed is great, but yes, needs some crumbs.

Your friend, Lenny

Agatha and Archie said...

Well in our house you would be called9after your cut) MR HANDSOME!!!! Actually Agatha is fanning herself after seeing your picture........and the bed?????very chic...Love A+A

Lacy said...

w00f's Jackson, me thinks u looks spiffie in u new do...

b safe,

Myeo said...

You look good, Jackson!

Boy n Baby

Joe Stains said...

Loving the new haircut my friend!

Dewey Dewster said...

yer a handsome man ta be the new do..somehow ya don't look too happy with the situation.... but I bet it feels better in the summer heat...or doesn't it get hot there in the British Isles ?

I better keep my Mom from checkin' yer new look cause she might be in the market fer a new husband again...she needs a new husband like she needs a new nose...nothin' wrong with the nose she has.

Yer new bed is cool the cover but do ya really think it needs grass stains 'n crumbs ta be comfy? If so I know ya will get it in shape in no time.....but remember crumbs can scratch yer neekid tummy there...

Dewey Dewster here...

Lorenza said...

Hi, Jackson!
You look so handsome!
Nice new bed! Yes, you need to work on it!
Kisses and hugs

Kyanite said...

My fav. WFT looks extremely handsome - only hope the weather warms up so you don't catch a chill...
Nice new bed too - perfect for Summer!

Love, pats & pets

Simba and Jazzi said...

Don't you look handsome.

Simba x

Unknown said...

Jackson, I think you look sleek and streamlined with your new haircut. After I get stripped, I look like I'm in my grundies for about a week. Not good.

Your pal,


erin said...

I like it. You look very handsome. A short haircut is good for summertime. I need a trim myself but the earliest appointment I could get isn't until next month.
PS You've always got the coolest beds, Jackson!

Charlie Daniels said...

G'day Jackson

I reckon you look great with your new style. Have fun messing up your new bed. Thanks again for my present. I took it with me on my tour of the yard today.



the many Bs said...

hi Jackson, we do like your new haircut. that's the kind of short haircut that our mom likes for us too. we think it's a very good sport cut - nothing to slow you down. and your mustache is way cute! you are totally pawsome sitting in your new bed!


Peanut said...

it's a lovely haircut. Lovely bed also.

Abby said...

Hi, Jackson...

I think you look great...I have to get a haircut Wednesday...

My Mom says I look like a mop...What does she know...

I love your new bed...You'll have it customized soon, I'm sure...

Abby xxxooo

Stanley said...


By now I'm sure your new bed is totally broken in. You are one fast moving wire when it comes to stinking things up to your liking.

My girl now HAS to go check out this Cath Kidston, since you mentioned she has a Lakeland (and she obviously makes really cool beds)!

Goober love & smooches,

Eduardo said...

Hi My name is Eduardo, I'm a snuggle puggle I added you to my page, I hope you don't mind please visit my blog!
Hugs & Snugs,
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Girl Girl Hamster said...

I think you still look handsome Jackson

~ Girl girl

Princess Patches said...

You look great with your new summer "do", Jackson! We love your bed, but it definitely needs some crumbs and slobber to be really comfy!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Asta said...

Jackson you look dweamy..I got all flustewed just looking at you..wif this new summew do. I can see youw magnificent eyes and studly body..whew....
I love youw new bed too..I think it's weally pawfect..I wish I had one too
smoochie kisses
pee ess you can make cwumbs wif some of my Bastille day cake..feel fwee to use them

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

We have the same question as don't look near as substantial as before ur new short do!!!!! You are so ADORABLE, Jax...but I guess I'm biased!

You suggested that Scruffy/Brian call himself "Sargent" so he could bark orders...


OK Jax...if ya didn't know that what are the chances you just picked that name??? in a million???

We are now in the TWILIGHT ZONE...

Very impressive, Jax...very impressive....

Lacie girl...whose neck hair is standin' on end.....

Kirby said...

Woo hoo Jackson, you are looking GOOD with your new hair cut. The new bed looks great too, but I agree, it will look better once you've dirtied it up!!

Your pal,

Noah the Airedale said...

Good looking bed there matie. Will you rip into it?? Lucy would given the chance.
Love the short back and sides btw.

Hugs and tail wags
Noah xx

Urban Smoothie Read said...

u looks smart in this new look

Anonymous said...

Lookin' good my man! At least you'll be cool for the summer. I'm lucky my hair is short so I don't need to get haircuts but the way Madison's been looking at me lately I think I might be in for a bath soon.

Ben & Darling said...

We dont like the grooming session but we have to admit that you look great in this new look and is that a reward for you going to the groomer?? hehehe, its a very bootiful bed.

slurpy licks,

Cassidy said...

You be nekkid Jackson, tee hee!!

I love your bed. I wonder if it comes in Airedale size, and if mummy would get me one if I promised not to chew it?

Cassidy x

Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...

You look way handsome! See, at least your face doesnt turn into a pipe cleaner! I get all super fuzzed by the blow dryer when I go to the groomer!

Have you turned your newly bathed white fuzz into a dingy light brown color yet? And have to acquired the smell of dirt again? I sure hope so!

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

William Tell said...

Didn't recognize you for a second there, but that really is a nice 'do. Looks great for summer.

As for the bed, I find that roaching on it right after digging in the yard is the best way to break one in.

Happy Tails,
William Tell

Asta said...

Nothing can maw youw pawfection in my eyes!!!

but why do you think I should tell youw Fwench giwlfwiend how faboolous youawe? I don't want hew to steal you....and if she can't see it fow don't want a dumb giwlfwiend who has no taste do you??
smoochie kisses