Wednesday 6 August 2008

CAT Scan

Have any of you or your humans had a CAT Scan? I used to think that cats were somehow involved in the process and was quite looking forward to it. My NOMS (Not of my Species) pal, a ginger cat called Miss Peach, even volunteered to do it for me!

Now I realise that the scanner is a big machine which works a bit like an x-ray and takes many pictures from different angles. These are fed into a computer which puts them together to give a series of cross sections. It will show the size of the tumour in my chest and whether it has spread elsewhere in my body.

As you can imagine it's an expensive piece of kit so my specialist veterinary hospital doesn't have one yet (although they do have access to a portable MRI scanner which I've been inside twice!). Instead I had to go to a posh private human hospital to have it done. I wonder what the humans would think if they knew that a small grumpy dog had been inside the same machine as them? Mmm, one to ponder over.

It was about an hours journey from where I live to the human hospital and we drove there in the Pet Ambulance. Talk about travelling in style! This is a pawsome service. You can read about them by clicking here.

I had to starve myself from after my tea on Tuesday night which was VERY DIFFICULT INDEED particularly as my appointment was at 4.00 on Wednesday afternoon. Don't they know that I'm a Substantial WFT and as such need regular snacks to keep my strength up? The scan itself took a few minutes but I had to be sedated in order to persuade me to stay still. Following the scan, the sedation was reversed and after a while we were able to return home. I'm still very sleepy but have managed a light bite of chicken and rice.

The test results are back tomorrow, late afternoon. I'll post as soon as I have anything to report. Thank you once again for all your kind words and comments. All power to the Paw!


Lacy said...

w00f's Jackson, my mama has to haff cat scans all da not hurt, but she not haff to b sedated...most of the time she stays not takes but a few mins to will b wishing hard upon the jackson star today, tonite and tomorrow dat u has good news...get sum rest sweet fellow...Power to the Paw!!!

b safe,

Jake of Florida said...

Oh, pup, we thought you'd be asleep, but couldn't help ourselves from checking in to see if there was anything new on your blog.

Sounds like you did get extraordinary treatment -- but totally justified for such an extraordinary guy.

We're been barking as loud as we could all day -- barking for Jackson -- (Mom said she would otherwise have put us up for sale for making such an earsplitting racket, except that it was for such a good reason) and we'll be back tomorrow afternoon to see what the deal is.

Glad you've had something to eat!! Love to the Js.

Woofs, pal,

Jake and Just Harry

Charlie Daniels said...

G'day Jackson

Mate I know you would have dealt with all the easy stuff like the ride in the Pet Ambulance, and the sedation and the C-A-T scan itself without any problem ..... BUT .. how did you go without eating for that long? That must have been scary! ;-)



Shmoo said...

Wow, I was scared there for a minute that you were sedated and at the mercy of cats! The horror.

I'll have fluffy paws crossed that you get good results on the scan of the cat.


the many Bs said...

power to the paw, Jackson. you are definitely in our thoughts and barks!

that sounds like kind of a strange experience, especially if there are machines, but no cats. we don't understand machines like we understand cats.


Lenny said...

Thanks for the update Jackson! Glad to hear you got a little dinner and have an extra-large breakfast to make up for the missed snacks! We've got our paws crossed for you!

I'm totally confused why it's called a CAT scan if you had to go in a PEOPLE machine!

Your friend, Lenny

Jans Funny Farm said...

Hey, Jackson,

We're glad your cat scan is over. WE hope the results will be good news!

Sending purrs and tail wags

Scruffy, Lacie and Stanley's Place said...

Sweetest Jackson...I have your bed ready with fresh 1000 count sheets lightly scented with lavender to relax you. Asta brewed some soothing tea (obviously we're not all about the whole tea thing like you UK dogs are, but we are nurses and have knowledge of relaxing effects of certain brews...) and is getting ready to spoon it to you...

We'll be doing some spinal massage to work the kinks outta ur back from having to lie still...both Asta and I will be right beside you tonight if you need one single thing, you call us, OK Sweet Jax???

Love you sweetie!!!


Dewey Dewster said...


We're sorry ya had ta got thru the people scan with a Cat but glad yer gonna find out what's what....we'll be waitin' fer tomorrow ta hear what the tests revealed.......we've been wishin' on the Dogstar and barkin' at the moon fer a week now....can ya hear us over there? Our neighbors said ta shut up last night....imagine that????? Paws crossed....

Dewey Dewster here.....

Mack said...

I hope those cats know what they are doing!!

We just know you are gonna be okay and come out with flying colors!

Love, Lilly

Gus said...

Oh are being so brave. I hope that you do not lose a lot of weight, we need you as the exalted leader of the substantial wires.

take care buddy

Peanut said...

I am so glad the human hospital does that. We hope it is good news tomorrow.

Chef said...

We'll be waiting to hear about your results, Jackson. My paws are so crossed.


Noah the Airedale said...

Crikey J, we can't begin to tell you how worried we are. Waiting for the results must be torture for you and the Js as it is for us. We're just going to continue doing what we've been doing...howling, paw crossing and looking up to the night sky for you matie. Dog willing it all works.

Noah Willow Tess & Lucy ambulance ay...crikey

Maya and Kena said...

Hi Jackson!
Hmm.. no cats in a CAT scan? That's weird... they should change the name!
Wow! You got to go to a human hospital AND ride a pet ambulance? That's so cool! Especially since it wasn't an emergency.
We've been looking at the dog star at night and we have a good feeling about your test results.
We believe you should get an A+!
We'll be praying!
Wags and licks,
Maya and Kena

Unknown said...

Jax, it sounds like you had quite an adventure! Mommy had an MRI for her ankle and would have quite happily shared her machine with you. Did you get to play with the siren in the ambulance? I bet other drivers thought you were George Clooney making a return appearance on ER!

We are criss-crossed like professional yoga masters here for you. And check out all the lucky charms I attached to you today on my bloggie! I'll give them all an extra rub for luck tomorrow.

Your pal,


Rudy said...

Those CATs are everywhere! Mom's had a CAT scan her, too, and I know Asta was sailing around on a CAT on her vacation... they get around, don't they?

We sure hope the report comes out good for you!


Koobuss said...

Boy, Jackson, that cat scan sure sounds cool. Not everybody gets to see what their insides look like. And you had your test done on a human machine! How special is that. My mom says that she would be honored if she knew that a small grumpy dog was in the same machine as her, especially such a special one like you, jackson.

Love ya!

Wishing you the best possible results from your cat scan!! Good luck, pal!

Love and Koobuss Kisses,
Koobie and Family

Lorenza said...

Hi, Jackson!
I have been waiting for your news all day!
The humans will be honored to use the same machine knowing you were there!
Have a good night. Tomorrow you will give us good news!
Paws crossed!
Kisses and hugs

Kristi said...

Sending you and the universe good thoughts!

Sam, Katie, and Zorra's Auntie

Joe Stains said...

omdog we are crossing paws for these results!!!!!!!!!

Sophie Brador said...

Jax! I'm a little disappointed to find out there were no cats, but how cool that you went to a human hospital. Except for the starving part, it all sounds like a great adventure. I am keeping my paws crossed for the best news.


Asta said...

Welcome home sweet Jackson

I'm so glad you wew able to eat a little aftew that owdeal..Mommi says she would be a lot happiew if she would have a small gwumpy dog in the cat scan machine next to hew next time she has one, hehehe
Get some good west Sweet Fwiend
I'll see you at bweakfast..I think Lacie is pwepawing something special
smoochie kisses

i said...

Hi Jackson, will be keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. Take care now and have a good rest after all the rides and adventures you have there.

Kyanite said...

Hi there fav.WFT!

I hope you had a good nights rest & have tucked into a hearty breakfast.

Have all my finger & toes crossed for positve news from your CAT scan.

Young Eric told me as I can't bark @ the Dog Star for you, I should howl instead - been doing it.

Love, pats & pets

The Black and Tans. said...


We will be sitting by the computer all day waiting for your post. Our paws are still crossed, it does make walking so very difficult!! tee hee

Love Molly and Taffy xx

Simba and Jazzi said...

What clever cats. I hope they only have good things to say about you.

Simba x

Dandy Duke said...

What an ordeal you had, Jackson!
Our paws are crossed for you! We have been thinking about you non-stop for days now!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Katherine and Pippa said...

I don't think I would like that CAT scan. Anything to do with cats must be BAD. Paws crossed for later on today. Thinking of you pal.


Princess Patches said...

Hi Jackson! We're soooo glad you finally got to eat after all you've been through. We're barking at the dogstar and have everything crossed for you! Unfortunately, we probably won't know your results until next Thursday when Mom gets home, but we will keep everything crossed until then. Ask for extra treats today!

Aire-hugs and Power to the Paw!
Poppy, Penny, Patches & their Mom

The Airechicks said...

OMDog Jackson:

What a LIMO ride you got...Hope you got the "HOT" chicks to go with you...

We've got the AIREZEN up and running....Still have you tight in our prayers...

Have a GRREAAT day and relax.....

Did you go and visit any sick folks while you were there?? I'm sure there were some who could have used your special charms.....

George Clooney - eat your heart out - Jackson's on duty!!!


Agatha and Archie said...

Power to the paw dear pal!! We think the two worst parts of this test are NOT EATING but much worse than that the fact that the machine is run by cats. Now we know that many of our dearest friends(you included) have cats as true pals.....BUT...even with sedation we don't think we could lie there knowing that(well maybe ARch could but I KNOW i couldn't...) so we continue to bark, look at the sky and say the poem..........POWER TO THE PAW!Love and a milllion kisses A+A

Mango and Party said...

Dear Jackson,

We would be grumpy indeed if we have to starve for such an extended period of time!! Wake up soon; it is time to make up for those lost hours with lots of treats and snacks!

Sending you lots of wirey loves,
Mango and Party

Abby said...

Hi, Jackson...

Me & my Mom are praying for good news...

Abby xxxooo

Anonymous said...

4 paws crossed for good reports Jackson!! Wirey kisses from Bailey in Ohio

Daisy said...

Jackson, I am purring and crossing my paws that your Cat scan comes out good!

Stanislaw said...

My grandhuman has been in one of those microwave/scanner/MRI things and says they're really claustrophobic. I bet he wishes that he were sedated too!

Our dewclaws are crossed for you. Always thinking about you!

Ferndoggle said...

What good is a CAT scan without any cats??? I think you got jipped...

We're all thinking about you and hope the tests come back pawfect. Paws crossed for you Jax.


Petra said...

You are brave to have that cat scan, Jackson, and I'm praying for a good reading.

erin said...

It sounds like the cat scan went well. And the pet ambulance sounds cool. I'm keeping my paws crossed hoping for some good results.

Snowy and Crystal said...


Finally a new update from you Jackson :)

glad to hear that the CAT scan is over and hoping for the best results

MAltese Paws

Ruby Bleu said...

What an adventure Jax! I'm thinking good thoughts at the results and no matter what i'll be here for you and the Js!

Lots of Licks, Ruby

B.T.Bear (esq.) said...

Hullo Jackson!

I'm givin my emergensy hug pants a speshol skweeze for yu an hope evrything is ok.

Mummy hassent had a cat scan but she did hav a brain scan wunce.

They dident find enything hahaha.

Nose hugs,


JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Jackson, I am still purraying for you. I hope the results are pawsitive.

Stanley said...


We are thinking about you and hoping for the best news. We LOVE YOU, man, and are there with you in terrier spirit!

Loads of healing goober smooches headed your way!

Goober love,

Lillie Valentine said...

WOW! A dog gets a CAT scan at a HOOMAN hospital? That is some interesting news. My hooman pup brother had to have an MRI of his knee and it was hard for him to stay still. We are hoping for good news and that you continue to feel better!