Tuesday 21 October 2008

Blog rivalry and bed update

J1 has started her own Forever Foxed blog. What's the big idea? She already knows that it won't get anywhere near as many visitors as mine so I don't know why she's bothering. Ho hum, sometimes you just have to humour the humans, I guess. You can take a look if you really must but please don't encourage her too much. Her real job is waiting on me hand and paw and being my typist. That shouldn't leave her much time for anything else.

More on the new memory foam bed. It really is the ♥BEST♥... I like it so much that I'm actually too comfy to get up in the morning and J1 has to prise me out of it with a chisel! J1 has a couple of complaints though. She says that the fleecy base which is a strange oatmeal colour already looks dirty even though it isn't and she thinks the bolster bit is too noisy. According to her it "rustles" every time I turn over. What do I care, it's giving me the best nights sleep I've had in years! Sweet dreams...


Lacy said...

w00f's jackson, me went to say woofies to u mama, and me loves dat bed...

b safe,

Simba said...

The nerve! (boy do I know what it's like to share a blog time! Sheesh!)

Glad you like your new bed...tell J1 it's the price to pay for a happy, healthy WFT!! ;o)



Faya said...

Oh humans...pffff they are always complaining....
Kisses, Faya

Gus said...

Hmmm...is the bolster made of something other than the memory foam? Maybe that is why it rustles? We are glad you like it. If it would gain us 15 minutes of sleep in the morning, we would get one for Teka.


Sunny,Scooter, (sometimes Jamie) said...

I know what you mean about the fleece looking dirty, Jackson. I have a bed with that on it that looks dirty straight out of the washer!(it is not on a memory foam bed though. Mom is too cheap!)
We hope you are feeling well!
And why on earth has she started a blog of her own?!?! GEEEZ. Doesn't she know it is all about YOU?!
Hugs & Hi 5s

Jake of Florida said...

If your mom is like our mom, you will find she makes a thousand excuses for treating you like a second-paw citizen and not paying enough attention to your needs and your blog. Trust us, we know. Just see how long it's been since we blogged before today -- and she doesn't even have a second blog excuse.

We hope you're feeling fine, pal, and wonder how the biopsy went (we've been out of the loop for a whie and may have missed an update).

Lots of love and wirey woofs,

Jake and Just Harry

Dandy Duke said...

Your new bed sounds Heavenly to us, Jackson! Mom always puts a blankie on top of my bed so she can toss it in the wash at least once a week so it stays sweet! My ortho bed has a white fleece top on it too!

Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch

Joe Stains said...

I can come over and stain the whole thing a nice brown color if she wants??? Who cares if its noisy, as long as you feel good!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

As if the humans don't make noise when they are sleeping????

Hope all is well in Jakhkson's World!!


Asta said...

Oh how wondewful to see you and heaw fwom you!!!
I'm ovew the moon wif joy that you awe comfy in youw new bed!!! nothin else mattews!
Daddi thanks you fow the good wishes..he's soooo old, but appeawantly still is having a good time, hehehe. I didn't need a baf aftew the paintball pawty..It came off wif some magic stuff the cats had..thank dog..othewise I would NOT have had fun...Duffy is fun and annoying all at the same time..he has shawk teef..but today, I told him in no uncewtain tewms that I do NOT like being constantly bitten...childwen..sheeesh
smoochie kisses

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Memory foam - sounds interesting - me thinks me old bones would like that.

Woos, Dakota of the OP Pack

Lorenza said...

Hi, Jackson!
Glad you are having so good nights on your noisy bed!
Congratulations on J1 blog!
Kisses and hugs

Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

Glad to hear that you like your bed so much,Jackson! You sure look comfy in that photo of yourself...*grins* I'll ask Mom to check out J1's blog, since I guess it's for humans...hehe! Hope you have a great day!


Dewey Dewster said...

Gee Jackson...

We're sure glad ta hear that yer still well enough ta be enjoyin' yer new bed.....Gram hates those light colored covers too.....so she outs a darker color cover on top of 'em so they don't always look so dirty....who ever thought white or off-white was a good color fer a dog bed???? Nutty people.....

Dewey Dewster here.....

Huskee and Hershey said...

Hi Jackson,
To show my support to you, I will not visit J1's blog (at least not immediately after this).. :)
Your bed looks cool.. now why is it that I don't get that kind of treatment around here? I have to share my bed with the humans..

Simba and Jazzi said...

So you can sleep and annoy the humans at the same time?! That is the best bed ever!

Simba x

Charlie Daniels said...

G'day Jackson

What does it matter if it makes a bit of noise! If it helps you sleep really well, it's worth it don't you reckon! :-)



Princess Patches said...

Hi Jackson! Sorry, but we went to say Hi to J1 on her new bloggy. We wonder if your bolster on your bed is filled with tiny styrofoam balls. They make a rustling noise. Don't bite into it to find out, though! They make one ginormous mess!

Poppy, Penny & Patches

Agatha and Archie said...

These humans are sooo hard to please.Who cares if it is noisy as long as you are sleeping well?? PL2 got an Orvis catalogue but didn't see a bed like yours in it. She is going to look on line.....PL2 says the same as Maggie and Mitch Tell J to throw a lovely( maybe cashmere) blankie on top( we have ones that have our names and Tinkerbell on them)It helps with the dirty part....You are looking quite fine my main man!!! Love and kisses A+A

Murphey said...

Yup, as long as we are comfortable, who cares what the peeps think of it!


Noah the Airedale said...

G'day J,
D thinks my new magnetic bed is looking a bit crubby on the wooly part too. I don't care though cause it's so comfy. Glad you're liking your bed.


PB 'n J said...

I know what you mean Jackson - my Mommy divides her time between her blog, the kitties blog and mine. And to tell you the truth I think I'm the one getting the short end of the stick - so make sure to stand your ground!

That bed sure does look great, and who cares if it's noisy, as long as you're comfy :-)

George the Pup said...

Sorry Jackson, someone (I won't say who) forgot to log out of the kitties account! That comment about the blog sharing was from me - George! See, it just shows how I have to come after the kitties!

William Tell said...

I think she just wants your bed for her own good night's sleep, Jackson. :)

Happy Tails,
William Tell

Casper and pals said...

Wow that sounds like quite the comfy bed!

Amber-Mae said...

If you like it & you're not complaining about it being dirty when it isn't or when it makes too much noise when you turn over & you love it sooo much, then so be it right! Hoomans are always full of complains...What to do?

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Abby said...

Hi, Jackson...

That bed looks sooo comfy...I think she is just jealous...

Abby xxxooo

Rudy said...

Oh who cares if it's noisy, as long as it's comfortable. I stay on Mom's bed in the morning as long as I can 'cause it's comfy, but not noisy (unless I snore! heh heh)..
Hope you're feeling fine --


Mr. T-Bone Beasley said...


You are looking great! That memory foam bed looks amazing! Does it form to every movement you make? I seriously need to talk to my human about this bed...I should have like 3 of those!

Let your mom have her own bloggie, it of course will be nothing like yours, but...the humans gotta feel like their doing something...yes?

Mr. T-Bone Beasley

Eduardo said...

Jackson that bed looks so cofy! I snore really loud so if my bed makes noise no one knows!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Georgeous said...

Hey Jackson, what a lovely surprise. I've been off blogging for a bit and return to see you sitting up proud in a new bed. Your looking real good fella. Love George

Luna "The Scruffy Yacht Dog" said...

HI Jax,

Love the bed!

Isn't Orvis great! I have a snuggle ball from them witch I love!

with wagging tail,

PS Orvis is having a photo contest, maybe we should all enter and start a WFT fad.

Sophie Brador said...

Jax, In my experience, the humans are always complaining about something. Mom gets irritated becasue I wag my tail in my sleep and bang it on the hard wood floors. Oh please. She should be grateful I'm so happy.

Glad you love your new bed!


The Airechicks said...

Hellloo Jackson -

You look very handsome in your bedroom shots...

We can send the J's some ear plugs for your sleeping enjoyment...


Bogart H. Devil said...

Yes, those humans are easily distracted and at times I think they just need things to complain about...

Awfully nice bed you've got! :)


Persephone and Buster said...

Hey, Jackson--we'll hop across the Pond and test out that bed for you!

It sounds snug and comfy despite the color. What do those humans know, anyway?


Buster & Sephie

i said...

Hi Jackson, hope all is well with you there! Love your new bed! It looks comfy!