Tuesday 10 May 2011

Farewell old chum...

A year ago today Jackson passed away, so very peacefully. I think of him often and J2 and I both miss him dearly. We would like to thank you, his blog readers and pals, for all your kind thoughts, messages and gifts, they really did mean a lot to us. We were touched that the musings of a small grumpy dog were enjoyed by so many.

I wanted to end Jackson's blog on a positive note. Many of you already know that in August 2010 we adopted another little dog in need, this time a 2 year old Welsh Terrier who we called Noodles. I think that Jackson would approve.

Much love,

J1 & J2 with Noodles xxx


Deborah said...

You can tell you loved him very much. That was a nice post.

Lorenza said...

Jackson will always be in our hearts!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Jake of Florida said...

We miss him too -- just so you know!

Wirey love,

Jake and Just Harry

Jans Funny Farm said...

We didn't know Jackson too well but we read so much about him on other blogs we felt we did know him. And we do know the pain of loss, so we are glad you have adopted Noodles. We too think Jackson would approve.

Anonymous said...

Missing you Jackson but we also hope that you're having fun over that Rainbow bridge. Run free little one. You brought us smiles and laughter and also the pain of losing you. xXx

Duke said...

We will never forget you, Jackson! You were our dear friend.

Love ya lots
Maggie and Mitch

The Airechicks said...

Hey Jackson -

Thank you for being the wonderful WFT you are - Thank you for bring joy and lots of smiles into lives and folks -

Thank you for watching over Noodles and making sure he has all the PROPER training that the J's need to stay in line.

Luv always!!


Gus said...

Lorenza said it very well, Jackson will always be with us. Love to all

gussie n teka

Blue said...

He was one very special boy, who touched many hearts including mine.


Hollie and Janie said...

I miss him very much, too! He was so lucky to have such loving people to care for him! As a rescue, I know what it's like to be so lucky! He will always be in my heart!

the many Bs said...

we will always remember you, Jackson, with lots of fondness. you were the best of the best.


Angel Ginger Jasper said...

I got to know Jackson late but could tell how very much he was loved. jackson would I am sure approve of Noodles and know he will be loved very much also.. HUgs GJ x

Asta said...

Jackson is still one of my deewest fwiends and is in my heawt fuwwevew. I miss him vewy much but I know I will see him someday. He would totally appwove of sweet Noodles and that you opened youw heawt to anothew sweet boy.
Mommi and Daddi wewe so vewy lucky to be able to meet Jackson and give him scwitchies and love fwom me
We love you and wish you many ,many wondewful yeaws togethew
smoochie kisses
ASTA and pawents

Sally said...

Dear, sweet Jackson - we miss you and are thankful our paths crossed. Watch over the Js and Noodles -

Til we meet again,
D, Sally and Paddy

Baby Rocket Dog and Hootie said...

Jackson was a cute little fellow for sure. We try to keep up with Noodles now! This was a sweet remembrance of your Jackson.
Smooches from pooches,
BabyRocketDog & Hootie

B. Bentley said...

Jackson could never be forgotten or replaced. He was loved and that is forever. Noodles is very lucky to have found space in such a wonderful home. We are grateful to you for sharing his life with us.

Ulysse des Irréductibles Cathares said...

I do miss Jackson very much too ; I loved to read all the stories about his adventures ; he was a very special FB and bloggie friend.
You'll always be there in my little heart Jackson, until we meet again one day !
Keep watching over those you loved and over Noodles to help him become as good as you were (if possible).
Wirey luv' always from France,
Ulysse xoxox

Eric said...

I will never ever forget my special chum Jackson. And will always remember the last bark we had together, square face to square face. Me and the squares were so wagging and honoured to meet him.

Wiry love and licks to the J's and Noodles. Eric and B xxxx

Agatha and Archie said...

Ahhh our darling boy...we miss him too and can not believe that a year has passed so quickly.. We look at him everyday as we have his postcard on our frig and we remember and laugh at all the fun stories and antics that we shared with him... Love and a gillion kisses A+A+PL2

TwoSpecialWires said...

Great big sigh. We hate farewells. Goodbyes. Au revoirs. Whatever. Always have. Always will. So ... we pretty much refuse to acknowledge them. And in Jackson's case, it's okay. 'Cause we know he will always always be in our hearts and we believe (and oh so hope) that we will meet him one day. In the meantime we know, without a doubt, that the love that he shared continues on. In the heart of his friends. And in the hearts of his family. You. And now, you and Noodles. It is just as it should be. And it is just as he would want it.

So ... we'll be back, buddy.
You can count on it.

Jake and Fergi and OurFamily

Amber-Mae said...

We will never forget that good-looking wiry dog! OH MAN< I don't think I've met Noodles yet. I must head over to his blog right now & say HI.

Dewey Dewster said...

Gee Jackson was sure an inspiration ta us all.....he is likely runnin' free with all those special pets who arrived at the bridge before 'em. We sure miss him......

We also think that Noodles is one very lucky dog.....'n Jackson would certainly approve too....

Dewey Dewster here.....

Pippa said...

Bad blogging Misery missed this one. We think of him too. You know that. She thinks of him before she does you!!

Thanks for sharing Jackson with all of us xx

Food Freak Frank said...

Thanks for this wonderful blog dedicated to a wonderful dog. Sounds like he spent his last wonderful years with you and couldn't have had better owners. Hope all is well with your new dog!

Unknown said...

so we are glad you have adopted Noodles. We too think Jackson would approve.Challenge coins

Unknown said...

We think of him too. You know that. She thinks of him before she does you!!Challenge coins

Duke said...

Happy Birthday, angel Jackson! We hope that you and Maggie will be sharing cake and ice cream @ Rainbow Bridge.

Love ya lots♥
Mitch and Molly